Welcome to our site!

Even if you simply come to this place, or you may already know us, you are welcome to meet us or to find out more about us. Spend a few minutes to see our projects, and feel free to send us your comments or any questions here.


[May, 2014]

Working on curriculum for VBS and camp.

We extend current water supply system in the kitchen, showers and washer at the camp.

[April, 2014]

Preparation and training for orphanage project.

We started maintenance work at Iabalcea camp.

[March, 2014]

We launced this site.

About this site

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Cuvântul Pentru Viată (Word for Life) is a romanian non-profit organization registered in 2004 as the national office for the International Bible Society (later redesignated Biblica). As of March 1, 2014 this became an independent, non-denominational organization. Read more