Cuvantul Pentru Viata (Word for Life) is a non-profit organization registered in 2004 as the national office for the International Bible Society (later redesignated Biblica). As of March 1, 2014 this became an independent, non-denominational organization. Since 1992, Iosif Ignatoaie – president of Cuvantul Pentru Viata, has served as National Director of International Bible Society Romania until the national office closed. In October, 2012 the two-year ministry in Gataia was recognized by Metanoia Christian Center Timisoara and Iosif was ordained pastor. During 20 years of outreach ministry among orphans, in urban and gypsy communities, the results of his work have proven very effective. He uses very creative methods in many aspects of his ministry, especially among children. His professional skills in publishing and music present massive benefits for the ministry. Along with his communicative talents, he has a variety of contacts all over Romania without any denominational barriers.
Our mission is to provide the Word of God and lead people to salvation in Christ through the Word by assisting and providing material support for those who are in need.
Words from the President
I don’t have many words to write here for you, but let us strive to know each other better so there will be more words to hear. And what I can definitely say now is be prepared and expect the unexpected.